PSG (Palazzo San Gervasio), Province of Potenza (Basilicata)
a warehouse sequestered from organized crime PSG 1999 is occupied by a group of foreign workers. For 10 years, the building functions as an autonomous labour settlement, without the interference of public institutions.
after a skirmish between workers, regional authorities PSG 2009 decide to prohibit the use of the building. Workers who occupy it are arrested and then released. Most move to Grotta Paradiso and Boreano, two abandoned settlements in the vicinity of PSG.
the warehouse is transformed into a migrant reception center PSG 2018 and, after repeated denunciations about migrant abuse, abandoned for years.
a migrant task force transforms the warehouse into an open prison for migrants facing incriminations from the state. Access is made difficult and is only possible through family members and lawyers, who continue to denounce the dire living conditions of the site.